There are writers. And then there are storytellers. Mary Ellen is part raconteur, part biographer, part investigator. She asks the right questions to tell the right story. Whether she's chronicling the career of a college alumnus, detailing the 'why' of a generous philanthropist, or depicting the harrowing reality that is hundreds of little humans invading her neighborhood on Halloween, Mary Ellen makes every word a joy to read.

Alizza Punzalan-Randle
Chief Development Officer
St. Pete Free Clinic

As a museum exhibit designer I wear many hats, but one that I don't wear is that of technical editor.  Working on a very densely wonky jargon-y set of texts for an exhibit about all things commercial electrical, I needed help! Mary Ellen's edits clarified points, ordered information, changed passive voice to active, and made punctuation consistent throughout the texts.  Visitors to the exhibits are grateful for her work - it makes comprehension much easier.

Mary Anna Murphy
MAM Exhibit Design

Mary Ellen is a talented interviewer and engaging writer with a knack for getting to the heart of a story. Her writing is fluid and readable, and brings to life stories that have ranged from rescuing radiated tortoises in Madagascar to creating an inclusive culture in the zoological community in the United States. Mary Ellen has been part of the team of freelance writers I have used for Connect magazine since 2015 and has played a major role in making the magazine a success.

Tim Lewthwaite
Director of Publications and Brand
Association of Zoos & Aquariums

Mary Ellen is a great writer who really cares about her assignments. She always makes sure she understands the topic, and she is a stellar interviewer who knows how to ask the right questions of her sources. Good writers are not always good reporters, but Mary Ellen is both.

Gayle Bennett
Freelance Deputy Editor, American Alliance of Museums and
Formerly Deputy Editor, CASE Currents

Mary Ellen is able to write to all audiences whether they are science and technical, consumer or business and deliver powerful, meaningful, descriptive messages that capture the reader’s attention.

Deborah Duffy
Dermazone Solutions